Tutorial three is about creating this blog site. This includes setting up a google account, creating my own username, password (ssshh) and my own URL. Also on the tutorial day, we were taught how to edit, and customize our page dependeing on our own taste.
Hope you guys like my theme and background also my photo!
This blog page has been set up as part of the assessment in Participation in Occupation class from my year two Occupational Therapy course (2012). The following posts are based from each week's tutorial tasks (worksheet) that we have to follow.
Will Smith's
“Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.”- Will Smith
Friday, 27 April 2012
Tutorial Eight: Assistive Technology
Assistive Technology was defined as ‘technology-related assistance’ and has been incorporated into numbers of disability acts around the world that may refer from a lower-tech like mobility aids such as walkers to high-technology devices like speech synthesizers (Srinivasan &Lloyd, 2011).
Assistive technology is “any item, piece of equipment or product system whether acquired commercially of the shelf, modified, or customized that is used to increase or improve functional capabilitites of individuals with disabilities.” (Cook & Hussey, 2000, p. 5)
The way I interpret assistive technology it basically ‘assists’ or helps someone who have difficulty performing a task whether a daily living or leisure. Assistive technology allows an impaired individual to improve his/her level of participation in his/her desired occupation.
Trev from Star mobility Hamilton went into our class this afternoon and brought a lot of possible assistive technologies. One thing that struck me was the switches, particularly the jelly bean switches. His switches come with various colours mainly red, green, yellow and blue. This particular switch has the dimension of 63mm (2.5”) x 18mm (0.7”) and costs $135NZD.
The button can take up to 75g of force and durability is guaranteed. The switch can connect to various things from toys to laptops it allows someone with impaired fine hand movements to simply ‘tap’ the button with either whole palm or any side of the hand.
Here I provided two links from the web that shows how these switches can be used. Link 1 and link 2.
Srinivasan, S., & Lloyd L. (2003). Assistive Technology for mobility, seating, and positioning. In O. Wendt, R., Quist, & L., Lloyd. Assistive Technology: Principles and applications for Communication Disorders and Special Education. (p. 413). UK: Emerald.
Disclaimer: this blog post has no intention to advertise or support a bussiness.
Monday, 9 April 2012
Tutorial seven: Linking to blog of interest and exchanging comments
This blog is about finding blogs of interest and hyperlinking them into my blog.
I found several interesting sites including one of which is my fellow student who posted about a sensory modulation as part of OT intervention and commented on it.
A communication between students are evident in this link.
Links can be located on the top right corner (Blogs of Interest) of this page.
I found several interesting sites including one of which is my fellow student who posted about a sensory modulation as part of OT intervention and commented on it.
A communication between students are evident in this link.
Links can be located on the top right corner (Blogs of Interest) of this page.
Tutorial Six: The internet and online communities
This blog post has the focus on exlporing different community sites that covers occupational justice, disruption, transition and deprivation.
OT connections is a general forum based in America that allows occupational therapy professionals, students and any other public internet users to share, interact, and connect with one another. This forum is open to all web users (even outside the states) who have interest in the said field, from practitioner to OT consumer.
A thread started by a credible man in the field (with PhD, OTR/L, and FAOTA) relates to the occupational justice when he raised a topic regarding OT role’s limitation. Further, conversation regarding AOTA has played a vital role in determining the practitioner’s impact on rehabilitating a client.
People can contribute by signing into the forum and posting up questions, facts and other information. The site looks very interactive; for the given thread above for instance, it received more than 10 replies in one day and has 206 replies and 22 followers (as of today, 9/4/12). That is for a single topic. People give different opinions on the said topic.
The Student-doctor network is a non-profit forum organization that helps pre-health disciplines to access, share, and ask questions on the site. The site is more common for various disciplines (students and professionals) across the US and Canada. For each topic, there is a sub forum that contains specific achieves on the topic of interest. For instance, a sub-forum has been made for occupational therapy field. Where topics like what school to go to and medical terminologies-defined etc. were talked about and replied on. This site relates to occupational transition for practitioners. Transitional cycle from a student-to-be to student to being registered professional. Also, the transition of a single point of view to other discipline point of view is possible (e.g. from OT point of view to nurses, PT or doctor's point of view- just like in MDT meetings). Registration on the site is the first step to interact with the community.
Last community site that I will be covering is the Workers compensation insurance forum. This site relates both to occupational disruption (temporarily disrupted by an injury) and occupational deprivation (permanent disrupted by an injury). The site contains links that directs to worker’s guidelines in terms of laws, injured worker’s stories and other links such as the injured worker’s forum. On the injured worker forum, people are able to discuss their situation with other injured workers and receive suggestion, ideas and advice. Just like the other two sites, by signing in, one can access the site and can then share information within the members.
Why people choose to contribute to each community?
I myself actually signed into numbers of automotive forum such as preludezone.com, nzhondas.com, rx8club, Subaru forum (NZ) and more to gain knowledge on specific things I want to know e.g. what exhaust system goes better in this car or is buying Mazda rx8 worth it due to the fact it gulps a lot of gas, or what sort of oil to use in specific engine, those sorts of things. In health field, it’s the same. People who have acquired certain injuries would communicate with the people who have the same limitations as they do.
Based from my experience, I can identify two types of members in a forum (don’t quote me on this one) there is this expert who seems to know everything/some based from reading articles or from own experience, and there is this one who seems to eagerly wants to know everything before doing anything (to avoid mistakes and double-handling sort of thing).
Obviously, people who are signed in to the forums either wants to learn, share or expand their understanding or maybe mixed of everything, for example in SDN, members want to know which University offers the best Occupational Therapy course to ensure they can have the best learning opportunity.
Ethical issues and benefits that may arise from these communities...
All these forum threads are publicly made. Which means getting involved in a conversation is being limited. Imagine, why you would sign in if you can just scroll the mouse and click the threads and voila-you have the information you wanted, unless you want to share and explore your prior knowledge. Public sites have the chance to limit the interactions between people with common likes and interests.
What majority says seemed to be true or believable. This is another issue that forums have. Unless you are a registered member, you can message privately another member and ask for their credibility and how and why they acquire their knowledge.
Having said that interaction and credibility is an issue, people who want the answer ‘now’ benefit from public sites. A browser who is not willing to sign in or register and thinks can save time; he/she can find the answer straight away and move on. It’s faster!
Knowing other culture’s point of view is another good thing about this World Wide Web. People across the world can access a community’s online forum as long as it can be viewed publicly. Not just one gains knowledge, but also learns something from people around the world. But the thing is, although these people are from around the world they have a lot in common. From my own example on the automotive forums, I can see myself similar to one in America or in South Africa and in fact I’m Filipino and based in New Zealand. Just like browsing things in occupational therapy world, across the globe you’ll see words such as ‘kitchen assessment’ and ‘ADLs’ around OT related sites.
Tutorial Five: Video Production (Video Links)
This video talks about changing the current kitchen setting. Unnecessary things are subject to be taken out to minimise confusion and will allow doing kitchen tasks easier. This is important in my topic as part of meal preparation in breakfast group. Post-op patients have limited upper and lower limbs movement, some have acquired mental disabilities, therefore in order for them to be able to engage in a task (e.g. preparing cup of tea, preparing breakfast meal etc.) concrete environment where everything is placed accordingly and also being accessible and visible for easy reach is a big help for the clients especially the ones who are willing to be discharged immediately.
One important part of kitchen assessment is for patient to be able to determine any hazardous around them during the task. This video shows as an example of what could be the hazards around the kitchen. These hazardous object could set out fire in the kitchen, leaving the cord, newspaper and other flammable objects close to the element is an obvious danger. A client must recognise these things in able to be safe around the kitchen area and to avoid injuring themselves again.
Using assistive equipment is another common for post-op patients who acquired difficulty walking independently. In 1:43min; the video shows the not-to-do while using a walking frame. The video shows techniques and equipment excellent to use at home especially in the kitchen while preparing meals. A walker tray is a wonderful device for people who have difficulty in maintaining their balance while holding an object or a plate; this allows them to carry objects around while focusing on holding the walking frame. In fieldwork 1, these scenarios are common in the ward I was placed on. Therapist encourages patients to use assistive technologies whenever it is possible.
Another great video to show how assistive equipment can make a person ‘able’ to do normal things like eating…
First time group members in breakfast group are subject to be orientate by the therapists (e.g. where’s the toast, cereal, hot water etc.) then the rest are observational and reinforcing instruction rather giving them full assistance which can slow down the therapy. These shows how important occupational therapy role in the hospital/rehabilitation ward. ~11:40 min to ~12:20 shows something about eating, and letting patients try eating by themselves to master ‘once again’ such a meaningful activity.
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